Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Private

So I've been contemplating on whether or not I should make my journal private. I want to write again - and not have comments and responses as motivation to continue doing so. My head's an intellectual (LOL) mess; it needs so much exercise and sharpening right now, and foregoing writing isn't going to help me solve the problem.

So maybe a week from now, I'll make Etcutme private. I'm not sure how long it'll stay that way - whenever I feel like I may want to be as famous as Xiaxue, then I'll definitely open this to the public sphere of the internet XD

You can still contact me on the ff sites:
FormSpring | Facebook | Blogger | Plurk | Tumblr | Multiply

Yay see you <3

I miss Blogger

I miss writing. And I obviously am not as good a writer now as I was before because of my laziness. I have a harder time detailing my ideas,...