Thursday, December 31, 2009

About this blog + before Xmas

What's up people? I decided that apologizing before every update isn't necessary anymore - every update would just be equal to an apology XD

Anyway, I've been going gaga over DeviantArt lately. According to Google Chrome, I visit dA more than I do Facebook. I just love the art community there - very supportive, and there's no bashing at all (very much unlike Youtube - do you see the comments people leave there? T_T). Pleasr click here in order to see my art (which still needs improvement - honestly XD)

So last December 22 Ashleiy gave me a treat and brought me to the Podium's Australian Hair and Beauty College. I got a makeover; she had her hair trimmed. (*Pics from Ashleiy's)


Kring with awkward smile

Also, I finally met Ashleiy's boyfriend! Ashleiy's one of my really super-duper mega close friends, and yet I've never met her BF even though they've been together for a year now! T_T So it was good to FINALLY, FINALLY meet him XD

Hi, Papa Paolo!

My high school barkada had a Christmas party afterwards :) (as in right after my date with Ashleiy LOL) We had so much food, and it was super fun! The catch, though, is that we had to bring our partners - and you know, pretty much everyone in the barkada has a lover already T_T My friend Roseanne and I became partners; Dian's boyfriend, Emman, couldn't come, so that made us the Three Musketeers XD

That's us! Sorry, the pic's too small -_-
(L-R) Shan, Dian, Joan, Jenny, Hams, Me, April

So to change the topic...

I don't want to give my blogger up! T_T I've had so many previous blogs that I feel like I need to stick to this, or else I'll give up writing altogether. So even though I update rarely, please know that I have no plans of abandoning my blogger <3>

(Did you know that I actually had plans of being famous through my blogging? AHAHAHA! Pretty much like Xiaxue, yes? I thought, "Hey, I write well, plus I'm spontaneous and a pretty fun person, PLUS I never run out of ideas, so there really is a chance!" But because I don't update regularly, it'll take a LONG while before that happens XD)

Oh and I'm sorry to my online friends whose blogs I haven't been visiting lately -_- Sorry, weird things pop in my head whenever I'm at the computer chair - I totally forget to visit blogs and go to other KID-FRIENDLY sites, instead <3>

1 comment:

Jill said... is my new URL; I don't know or remember what I said yesterday haha.

<3 you pinsan!

I miss Blogger

I miss writing. And I obviously am not as good a writer now as I was before because of my laziness. I have a harder time detailing my ideas,...