Monday, July 30, 2007

Really strange questions

Very Strange Questions
Inanimate objects
Do you like sporks?:no. downright irritating. i always have a hard time eating my food with sporks... esp. CHICKEN NUGGETS!
If sporks tried to take over the world, would you help them?:no way. i'd much rather be a damsel in distress. haha. i know i'm a loser. XD
Would you fight them?:no, i'd let them kidnap me so that my super hero would come and rescue me.
What are your views on oranges?:they're round and i like them juicy. yum.. juicy.
How about apples?:i don't like apples. no taste at all. although i'm thinking about eating apples when i get pregnant so that my baby would have a fair complexion.
Do you like sand?:when i'm in the beach. i like white sand. i've heard of black sand, i think that's really weird. if white sand is cool, then black sand must be hot, right? stupid XD
Do you like the way it smells when a road has been freshly paved?:i like it the way i like eating roadkill cats.
Food related items
What's the grossest thing you would eat for $50?:hmm.. anything gross as long as it's healthy and not greasy.
Do you like sushi?:of course golf course (i've got more of that!)!
Would you eat Rocky Mountain Oysters?:i dont even know what Rocky Mountain Oysters are. but sure, i eat anything.
Do you know what they are?:i told you, i don't. XP
How do you feel about mayonnaise?:i like it in hotdogs. and in potato wedges. mm, greenwich. i support my mum.
Mustard?:i like it in hotdogs. that's all mustard's made for.
Would you eat something if you had to watch it die first?:eeew NO MAN! great idea though. maybe i could finally start my diet if i watch my food get killed first XD
Would you kill it yourself before you ate it?:absolutely not. dear, slaughtermen must confess every now and then.
Do you want to be famous?:yep. my blockmates know that i wanna end up in hollywood. to have a kissing scene with an uber handsome guy is one of my greatest dreams.
If you couls have any name in the world, what would it be?:all the lara's i know are smart, so maybe lara. or dawn. my mum was supposed to name me dawn.
Any thoughts on aliens?:i've read a book on UFO's and alien abduction is really creepy.
Ever been kidnapped by an alien?:who knows? but i think my brother's been kidnapped by an alien. strange bloke.
Did they torment you with sporks?:maybe. sporks are hideous.
Do you like bugs?:depends on the bug. i don't like my household bugs. live on the places i don't want them to (loo).
What color is your hair?:black in the shade, brown in the sun.
Why are you taking this survey?:coz it's weird.
Last, but not least...
Do you think you are attractive?:of course! although i need to take off a few fat here and there. i know i'm made for something great. see me in maxim top 100.
Do you think you are smart?:course i do. i'm made to join mensa. XD
Would you say you are popular?:in the near future, you'd see me in Super! with Tim Yap. or you'd see me clutching Danielle Radcliffe's hand, you know, what couples do.
Would it ruin your life if you were none of those things?:hell yeah! i think i'm all about the first two, thank you.
Did this survey annoy you?:not really. just made me wonder what those oysters are.
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