I've become dependent on my eye cover; I can't sleep when I'm not wearing it :|
This is a very bad habit. It's like drugs OMG -_-
I must overcome it! Or else I won't get a wink of sleep if I lose it :P
My 18th year is my best year, so far (although the thought that I'm no longer 17
still bugs me. Oo, exagge.). I've never lived my life as fully as I have now :D I have to say that
Kiko greatly contributed to this, and kudos, too, to my ever-persistent friends, who would pressure me into joining them wherever XD
My 18th year, so far, consists of the following:
January 31-February 1, 2009: Celebrating my birthday with my clique, Kada Siete. This is one of my life's milestones, as the celebration was realllllyyyyy fun and brought my friends and I together :D Honestly, it was the best party I had ever had.
Of course,
celebrating my 18th with my eccentric family XD I feel a bit bad, though, as I slept my whole birthday away (since I didn't sleep throughout the celebration I had with my friends). I was still very drowsy when this picture was taken, having just woken up :P
Karaoke nights with my friends, which consisted of laughs and of drama (drama = walk-out moments. LMAO).
Watching other people get drunk. It was terrible D: I was sober the whole time, and watching my buddies getting all scandalous was, well, scandalous. But, heh - I have unknowingly instilled fear in my friends HAHAHA. Now they don't drink whenever I'm around, as they're afraid of a lashing from Ate Kring. LOL
Trying out thongs. My close buddy, Ashleiy, gave me a ton of thongs as a birthday gift -_-V And I haven't worn them yet, but someday, I surely will HEEHEE.
Riding tribikes around subdivisions. Call me a loser, but I don't know how to ride a bike. So tribikes are perfect for someone like me, who wants to work out and sweat AMAP (as much as possible). Obvious info: tribikes are more beneficial when your passenger is a heavyweight. XD
Random moments. My friends are very, very spontaneous; it can sometimes be startling how they manage to be in a random place even when they're academically busy. This is a picture of us in (duh) McDonalds: I was in the car when they suddenly messaged me to go here. Since I can't get enough of my peers, I tagged along.
Trying out new things. And new food. I'm very adventurous when it comes to food, but I do have limitations (don't give me super-exotic things like lizard or cockroach - I think that's so gross, it's inedible). I like food most (young) people don't even want to taste. In this picture, I tried out dugo (dried pork's blood), and eugh - as much as a foodie I am, I didn't like it :|
Having new friends - and introducing them to old ones. It's great how you can make the world a smaller and livelier place by making people interconnected. It's even better when you see your friends, old and new, click, and become buddies in the process.
Bonding with people you barely know. This is equivalent to stepping out of my comfort zone - I, an outsider, being with a huge, close group. LOL. But it really is fun as I met lots of new people, as well as got closer to the ones I already knew.
Reader, if the opportunity comes that you are invited to a similar situation, don't refuse. It's a unique and surprising experience.
Befriending people you never thought you'd befriend. And hitting it off with them, no less. Eddy and I had no more of those awkward formalities - we were demon friends the instant we got the chance to bond.
Impromptu bonding. What are the chances that you'd approve of going to Eastwood at 7:30 PM when you were invited only at 6:00 PM? LOL. My friends and I did just that when James invited us, although we were an hour and a half late. I think James was starving by the time we arrived XD
Swimming the heat away. What's summer when there's no swimming? My friends and I went to the nearest pool and took a dip (and exercised HAHA FTW).
I'm usually not into swimming, since my vanity can get the best of me (I don't want to get tanned). But what the hell - I'll go take a dip this summer, as long as it's not in the middle of the day.
LOL, arte noh? Nakakainis. (BTW, I'm not wearing colored contact lenses. My eyes are kinda blue in the picture.)
Seeing friends after months of not seeing them. Updates, anyone? It was good hearing from my friends after 2 full months of failed attempts to see each other.
Helping people and animals - all at the same time. My pet bulldog, Brosia, gave birth to 8 puppies (one of which died because it was abnormal. Abnormal: CYCLOPS. Not kidding). She was taken to my relatives' place, where the helper, Ate Jen, took care of her. Of course, taking care of 7 puppies is no easy task: for the sake of keeping an eye on them, Ate Jen had sleepless nights. And yes, I took her place, helped her out, and had fun in the process. Puppies are so cute -_-
Rekindling friendships. I grew apart with my high school best friend, Dian (left), because of some unresolved issues. But time heals all wounds - and now I'm open to making her my best friend again. I missed her company very much :P
Getting pwned. I had been pwned many times, but being rejected of a US visa takes the cake.
Exercising at night. Surprisingly, even the nights are incredibly hot these days. We took that as a sign and played badminton at around 7:30 PM. It was sooooo fun! I sweated buckets and felt good! We must have more of these :)
Celebrating birthdays. It can be quite amusing, celebrating birthdays with a small group. You don't get easily distracted, plus there's lots of time for stories and laughter.
Eddy here celebrated his 19th birthday last Monday at Greenhills. Notice how he's surrounded by girls :))
Anyway, I'm very irritated with the weather. OH MY GOODLINESS, WHY IS IT RAINING IN APRIL?!
I have a theory.
The man-made calendar says it's April. Of course, man-made things are wrong most of the time; and the passage of time, as dictated by people, can be very inaccurate. So the biological calendar (the natural one, that of the earth) says otherwise - speaks the truth.
Notice how in February it became ridiculously hot.
Man-made calendar says it's February.
Biological calendar says, what the hell, in man-made terms, it's actually April. (It was, after all, freaking hot at this period in time.)
Meaning that there is a one-and-a-half to two-month gap in between the two timetables.
So now that, in man-made time, it's April, in biological terms, it's actually June.
June, the rainy season.
Holy ef, I'm convinced that I'm right.
Think about it.