Friday, May 15, 2009


I was supposed to have "Postscript" as my title, but the definition of the word, according to Encarta 2006, is "a short message added onto the end of a letter, after the signature", and given that I have nothing else to say besides this, I decided to change it to "Prescript" instead.

And you see that I'm not making sense in doing this, since 1. I just invented the definition of that word (it means "a rule or regulation that has been laid down", while I define it as the exact opposite of postscript), and 2. I have no other message besides this, so there's no point of it being a "pre-".

Yes, those first two paragraphs were total gibberish, just like the state my head is in right now.


A huge chunk of you doesn't care; actually, you started being indifferent since who-knows-when. But tonight, you decided to look at old pictures; you recall the emotions in them. You find yourself in but a shallow nostalgia, and yet, despite this, your feelings come crashing down on you like a pregnant hippo. Suddenly, you want nothing more in the world than the person in the picture - the one who brought you such emotions, even though he or she is an ass - a total pain in ways words couldn't capture.

But well, you see that the quickest solution is to just go to sleep. Such remedy has never betrayed you.


On a different note, I already have a concept for my next vlog, although I haven't told my brothers about it yet. Just wait for it :)


Elenie Morales said...

That was totally random with scripts, Kring. Haha looking forward to your next Vlog episode!

Ysh ♥ said...

So I dont really know what to comment about the script. But I what I do know is that I am totally looking forward to your next Vlog!

I miss Blogger

I miss writing. And I obviously am not as good a writer now as I was before because of my laziness. I have a harder time detailing my ideas,...