The sad part about going to Batanes is that we will be leaving the kids. They won't be coming with us as the air fare is expensive (10 thousand pesos per person), so as a result only eight of us are going. But it's okay with me! Haha!
Aside from that, we'll be bringing beer. Lots of it. Well, we the grown-up's won't be drinking all of it; instead they're going to trade some of it with the locals in exchange for coconut crabs, which in the Philippines, I think, can only be found in Batanes.
Why trade with beer, you ask? Since Batanes is at the northernmost tip, storms always come to the island, so import of products is slow. As a result, beer is very seldom found in Batanes, and the locals crave for it. So we'll be bringing beer to trade with expensive coconut crabs~! (Coconut crabs are absolutely delicious because they only eat, well, coconuts) Smart idea? Smart, indeed. XD
I can't wait to go to Batanes, but honestly, I prefer going to Boracay. I love Boracay's sand, sea, and night life! And besides, the reason why I've been exercising and dieting is for me to show off my body in Boracay! Come on!
Boracay, I've been longing to reunite with you. I want to step on your cool sands; bathe on your cold waters; and interact with the many who do the same. I want to island-hop again, and I want to drink again while listening to bands playing in the night. Unfortunately, I would have to spend my Holy Week with another, who is Batanes; the one they call the Slice of Heaven. Though this is so, know that you have forever engraved your beauty in my memory, and that one day, I will return for you.
Wait! Wait! Last night, my brothers and cousins showed me this video clip from the show Family Guy. It's so funny! You must watch it! Freaking hilarious, dude.
And this is the real life version made by the Four Sexy Men. Their acting skills aren't the best, but they still got me.
And speaking of Family Guy, Jack TV is gone! I don't know where that channel went. -_- It was replaced yesterday by Maxxx. Oh my, I won't get to watch War at Home anymore! :-(
School starts tomorrow! I've been looking forward to it the way I look forward to the Third World War. *knocks on wood*
Wow, Batanes. I would love to go there to.
I LOOVEEE Family Guy :D
And Batanes looks like a beautiful place. You'll have fun for sure. :]
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