Monday, September 03, 2007

I fear 27 out of 70 common fears

IF you get more than 30 you're

If you get 10 or less you're fearless.

People who don't have any
are dummies who want people
to think they are tough stuff.

I Fear...

[x] being alone in the dark
[x] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] black cats
[] dogs
[] birds
[] fish
[] spiders
[] driving or being in cars
[] flying
[] flowers or other plants
[] being touched
[x] big fires
[x] deep water
[x] failure
[] success
[] very strong thunder/lightning
[x] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] mice/rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] Heaven
[x] being robbed
[] cotton balls
[x] cemeteries
[] clowns
[] large crowd
[] men
[] women
[x] having great responsibility
[] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] diseases
[x] snakes
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[x] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains or railroads
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[x] being alone
[x] being blind
[x] being deaf
[] growing up
[] monsters under my bed
[] creepy noises in the night
[x] bee stings
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat


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I fear [ ]...out of 70 common fears

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